Clinica Avanza, the best solution for your ailments

The methodology of our health center consists of a first assessment session from which a diagnosis will be established. Subsequently, and based on said diagnosis, the required team members will meet to carry out a treatment plan.

Our entire team is very qualified and goes through ongoing training. We are backed by more than 20 years of professional experience in the prevention and recovery of dysfunctions and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, dysfunctions and disorders and alterations of the psyche. Without forgetting those pathologies and degenerative or rare diseases in which the patient’s quality of life and maximum autonomy are our priority.

The center’s methodology for a new clinical case consists of a first assessment session from which a diagnosis will be established. Subsequently, and based on said diagnosis, the required team members will meet to carry out a joint treatment plan with short and medium-term objectives.

Manual therapy will be the technique of choice in physiotherapy and osteopathy treatments. Furthermore, in cases where it is required, they can be complemented with electrotherapy, shock waves, dry needling and lymphatic drainage. For certain injuries or pathologies, ultrasound will be used for diagnostic or monitoring purposes.

For us, an excellent therapist-patient communication is the basis for achieving these objectives. That is why we emphasize this fact from the first session; without it, the trust of our patients in what we are trying to acheive would be impossible.

Clínica Avanza is located at Calle General Oraá 70, first left, and has 90 m2 divided into three offices, a waiting room and toilets. It has easy access for anyone with any limitations and/or disabilities.




Health depends on the balance between the parts and systems of the body, which is why osteopathy seeks to achieve that full balance.

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Physiotherapy, or physical therapy, is the science of using physical agents and manual therapy to restore correct movement of the body.

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Drenaje linfático

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage, a delicate and beneficial therapeutic technique to improve circulation and the health of the lymphatic system through gentle massages.

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Ecografía musculoesquelética

Musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound

Musculoskeletal ultrasound non-invasively visualizes, in real time and with dynamic images, tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments and bursae.

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Ondas de choque

Shockwaves therapy

Shock waves are high-pressure mechanical waves that are applied to specific areas of the body to stimulate healing and relieve pain.

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Psychotherapy focuses on helping you understand and overcome your emotional and mental challenges, with research-backed approaches and techniques.

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¿Dónde estamos?

C/ General Oraa 70, 1º Izquierda


Móvil: 678 650 922
Teléfono: 915 35 90 01


Clínica Avanza

Healthcare center dedicated to rehabilitation and psychology from a holistic and integral approach to the patient. We treat using Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Psychology.

Financiado por la Unión Europea

Plan RTR

Reservados todos los derechos 2025