Drenaje linfatico

El drenaje linfático, una técnica terapéutica delicada y beneficiosa para mejorar la circulación y la salud del sistema linfático a través de masajes suaves.

Antes de nada, ¿qué es el sistema linfático?

It is a network of vessels, tissues and organs whose functions are: to drain fluid and large molecules accumulated in the tissues, to clean those same tissues that contain waste, toxic or harmful substances, and to protect us against viruses and bacteria.

¿Y qué es la técnica de drenaje linfático manual (DLM)?

It must be performed by certified therapists.

It is a manual technique that consists of gentle maneuvers, with a determined rhythm and direction with the aim of facilitating the evacuation of macromolecules, reducing fluid retention, treating swelling, promoting relaxation and interstitial ultrafiltration (fluid that is filtered from the capillaries blood flow to the space between cells in tissues) when the lymphatic system is not sufficiently competent for various reasons.

¿Qué técnica de DLM hacemos?

Leduc Method

MLD must be performed by certified therapists.

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Lymphoedema is an edema caused by a disorder of the lymphatic system causing swelling in an area where there is stagnation of fluid and other substances.



Lipoedema is a chronic, often hereditary, disease characterized by a symmetrical and abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue in the hips, thighs and legs. It is associated with oedema, pain and bruising. In 30% of cases it also affects the arms.


Vascular pathologies

  • Vascular Insufficiency: refers to the difficulty of the circulatory system to adequately transport blood and oxygen through the body, which can cause problems in the functioning of tissues and organs.
  • Varicose veins: refers to dilated and twisted veins that usually develop in the legs due to malfunctioning of the venous valves, causing a buildup of blood and a visible appearance on the surface of the skin.
  • Venous ulcers: These are open skin lesions, usually on the legs, caused by poblems with blood flow in your veins. This leads to a buildup of blood and fluid in the area and causes loss of skin tissue.
Patología Vascular

Lymphatic draniage after surgery or trauma: Manual lymphatic drainage is used in post-surgical and trauma patients to gently stimulate the lymphatic system, reducing swelling and promoting the circulation of accumulated fluids in the affected areas, which contributes to faster recovery and relief from discomfort.

Postquirúrgicos y traumatismos

Plastic and reconstructive surgery: in this context, manual lymphatic drainage is applied as a gentle and specialized therapeutic technique, aimed at reducing swelling and promoting optimal healing. This gentle approach stimulates the lymphatic system, helping to eliminate accumulated fluids and toxins after surgical procedures, contributing to improved aesthetic and functional results for a more complete and satisfying recovery.

Cirugía plástica y reparadora




It is an inflammation of one or more lobes of the mammary gland. MLD helps reduce pain and inflammation, speeding up the recovery process.


It is an inflammation of one or more lobes of the mammary gland. MLD helps reduce pain and inflammation, speeding up the recovery process.


Pregnancy oedema.

During pregnancy there is a slowdown in circulation due to, among other reasons to hormonal changes. MLD, pressotherapy and compression stockings achieve beneficial and preventive effects.

Edema del embarazo

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Drenaje linfático

Drenaje linfático

El drenaje linfático, una técnica terapéutica delicada y beneficiosa para mejorar la circulación y la salud del sistema linfático a través de masajes suaves.

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    Clínica Avanza

    Centro sanitario dedicado a la rehabilitación y psicología desde un enfoque holístico e integral del paciente. Para ello contamos con servicios de Osteopatía, Fisioterapia y Psicología.

    Financiado por la Unión Europea

    Plan RTR

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